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I desire to serve women holistically through listening to their needs and desires helping them to achieve them while in safe and secure environment. I value good communication and strive to keep communications lines open with clients, students and business associates. I believe that most disruptions in midwifery-client relationships arise from a break down in communication when expectations are not expressed or go unmet, followed by a failure to communicate or when misunderstandings take place.


Things my practice offers:

  • Open and honest communication
  • Invitation to ask questions – unasked questions cannot be answered
  • Years of bodywork experience to relieve muscular, hip or other pain
  • Knowledge of body mechanics preventing or reducing possible injury to you or baby
  • Connecting with the whole person – mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical
  • Use of natural remedies whenever possible
  • A stable, calm and gentle spirit
  • A belief that labor and birth are a physiological process that works best when left alone. However, I have the skills and knowledge to handle complications and intervene as needed.
  • Carrying the name of  “Magic Hands”